Insight Platform

Here at SELFHOOD, we are on a mission to get the voices of the Next Gen heard. And we don’t intend to do that through the BS, overly-sanitised insight methods that have come before. That’s why we are first and foremost an insight platform. We take a more democratic approach to insight, by putting the people who are actually giving the insight complete control over what they want to say. And we won’t shape it to fit some predetermined agenda. On the SELFHOOD insight platform, which is growing every day, Next Gen from all over the world are signing up, fulfilling briefs, and most importantly, sharing their views and getting their voices heard. 

There have been insight platforms before, but the model had gone stale and needed a shake up. We have a specialised team with the sole focus of engaging and communicating with the SELFHOOD members on our social channels and on our insight platform. When we say ‘of the Next Gen, for the Next Gen, by the Next Gen’, we’re not just blowing smoke and paraphrasing Abraham Lincoln for the hell of it. And that doesn’t just apply to the Next Gen audiences giving us the insight. In order to communicate with this audience, we have to genuinely understand this audience. The Next Gen were brought up in the post truth era of fake news and Instagram filters, which has equipped them with an uncanny knack for seeing through bullsh*t. In other words, they’re going to notice if the insight platform they are contributing to is managed by a bunch of old school marketing manager dinosaurs who are frantically trying to pick up youth and internet culture on the fly so they don’t get found out. We live and breath youth and Next Gen culture, and this is what allows us to engage with members of the insight platform on a very real, very human level. 

But why does this matter to brands? Because the insight you get from people talking freely, openly and candidly is a lot more valuable than insight you get from overly-controlled focus groups and traditional insight environments. There’s a reason people speak so much more fluently when they’re at the pub with their mates than they do in a formal job interview. The SELFHOOD insight platform offers that level of comfort and familiarity that allows the Next Gen to truly open up and express their truth. 

Plenty of brands think they understand their audience, and in a sense they do - but only in a very general, formal sense. Quantitative research is essential and undoubtedly can yield some valuable insight, but it misses the intangibles. Those nuanced opinions that cannot be quantified and can only be expressed conversationally. This is what the SELFHOOD insight platform offers. Whether it’s a fitness brand who are suffering from being tarred with misconceptions of their industry, or a clothing brand who have just for some reason stopped being ‘cool’, or a food brand who are not reaching their target consumer, our research taps into the core, fundamental qualities of the youth brain and human psyche to create an insight platform like no other that is currently available. 

If you want this level of access to the Next Gen and to unlock how your brand can reach them, get in touch: